Artist: Choc Eletrique
Album: Shadow
artist / track title
Choc Eletrique
Shadow (White label)-BPM-House
Last 20 Mp3 Downloads
Terry Ganzie - Murder
Technotronic - Pump Up the Jam (Techno mix)
Metaboman - Schwoof Sensibel
Various Artists - Rashni Punjaabi
Jody - System is Drowning
Noferini and DJ Guy - Sunny (Tribal Marascia mix)
DJ Cutkiller - Live at Skyrock (030207)
Starrstrukk - Patron
Erick Morillo and Harry Romero and Jose Nunez - Dancin
David Duriez - Club FG (radio FG) (23 february 2007)
Nelson Paradise Roman presents - Feelin Tribe
Soner - Rouage ET Engrenage
Nancy Wilson - All My Tomorrows
Harry James - All or Nothing at All
Various Artists - Gladness 2007
Warm Communications - Paranoia on the Rocks
Various Artists - Curvve June 03 mixed by Vinny Troia (mix)
Basic Implant - Running Scared
Various Artists - House Party 6 (mix)
Marty G - Less than A G
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