Artist: The Octagon Man
Album: Magneton
artist / track title

The Octagon Man

Genotype X mp3

The Octagon Man

Elff mp3

The Octagon Man

Kwaidan mp3

The Octagon Man

Vidd mp3

The Octagon Man

Nova Wave mp3

The Octagon Man

Metron Wave mp3

The Octagon Man

Chromozoid Fly mp3

The Octagon Man

Skanning Pattern mp3

The Octagon Man

All the Happy Robots (featuring Eboman) mp3

Last 20 Mp3 Downloads

Scott Melker - Sexual Chocolate (mix)
Sting - Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow
Various Artists - Take Me Away
Various Artists - Can U Dance
The Boys from the Bottom - Sleigh Dem Hos
Various Artists - Need Your Love (Fierce and Jinx Club mix)
Spade - Hard Times featuring Champ
Surface of Eceyon - Councin is Called
2CB - Funkygreenaliens
M.C. G.L.O.B.E. - Get Ridiculous (instrumental)
Wrecked Machines - Surround Travel
DJ Cutkiller - Live at Skyrock (200107)
Crunc Tesla - Like is this Ghetto featuring Angelbert Meloyer
Various Artists - Just A Girl (Orginal Extended mix)
Dynamical Grooves - 70 Robots Rox featuring Dynamical Phonix and Stargroove (dub mix)
Antidote - Freeze Me (Original mix)
DJ Jochen - Surround Me (Trance Providers remix)
Matthias Tanzmann - Procon
Ted - Suck
Kovert - Untitled

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or just add some words(tags) about it (ex: Boz Scaggs Silk Degrees, BT Still Life in Motion, Various Artists Tommy Boy presents =) etc)

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