Artist: Portugal the Man
Album: It's Complicated Being A Wizard
artist / track title

Portugal the Man

Opal Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Ruby Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Sapphire Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Amethyst Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Emerald Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Amber Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Gold Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Crystal Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Black Magic mp3

Portugal the Man

Bonus track mp3

Last 20 Mp3 Downloads

Various Artists - Working Night remix
Confusious - Rein featuring the PAK
Various Artists - Energy (mix)
Propaganda - Don't Let us Lose it
Butthole Surfers - Love
David H - Passion (Tony de Vit Dream Techno mix)
Various Artists - 120
Various Artists - See Me Looking
Drumattic Twins vs S Garrett - Drumattical Kissing
Christopher Young - The West was Built on Legends
Nino Anthony - We Don't Play (David Farlow remix)
J-Boogie - Le Booty Cinematique
Various Artists - Chariots of Fiere
Sattyananda - Atmospheric Tallz
Reel People - The Light
Atomizer - Hooked on Radiation (Bad Boy mix)
Various Artists - Sneakerz 2 (mixed and Compiled by Erick E and Lucien Foort) (mix)
DJ Slip and Slide - Source FM (21 june 2003)
Hybrid Players - Blonde Bitch (Original mix)
Markus Schulz - Invasion (16 february 2007)

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or just add some words(tags) about it (ex: Boz Scaggs Silk Degrees, BT Still Life in Motion, Various Artists Tommy Boy presents =) etc)

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